
I want to run some Java JUnit tests in parallel while retaining one-time static setup. Specifically,

  • I have an integration test class that spins up a database and performs some tests
  • The test’s @BeforeClass void spinupDb() spins up a database. I want this to run only once for the entire test class
  • I want the test cases to run in parallel
  • Run under Bazel and JUnit4

Contrast with the standard JUnit4 Runner which executes all the tests serially in the same thread:

  • The thread Executes the static @BeforeClass void spinupDb()
  • Thereafter, the thread runs each test in serial

The primary motivation to consider parallel runs is to quicken the test feedback cycle.

Options & Decision

Suppose I have 20 test cases and one db spin up (in a one-time, static, setup method) in my test class.

The primary options are:

  • Do nothing and pay for serial execution
    • Time to completion = Db spin up time + time to complete 20 tests
  • Use Bazel’s test sharding. With a shard_count=5,
    • It splits 20 test cases into 5 shards of 4 each (give or take one or two depending on randomization)
    • Each test shard will spin up the database and then run each of its 4 tests in serial
    • Time to completion = Db spin up time + time to complete 4 tests
  • Use JUnit’s experimental Parallel Computer. This meets the spec except that JUnit doesn’t expose a runner like ParallelRunner.
    • Time to completion = Db spin up time + time to complete 20/T tests where T is the number of parallel threads
  • Roll my own, inspired by Parallel Computer
    • And take the opportunity to run using Virtual Threads !
    • Time to completion = Db spin up time + time to complete 1 test

I chose to roll a new parallel Runner because it meets the spec and I can also use Virtual Threads.

Why Virtual Threads?

Java Virtual Threads are many things. Perhaps the most well known is their ability to deliver straight-line programs (no Reactive Java please!). Perhaps less well known is its utilization benefits: you can get more out of your servers. Why so? It goes to Little’s law; see Ron Pressler’s explanation.

Platform Threads (i.e. traditional Java threads) are heavy

  • They use significant memory
  • Context switching across them is expensive
  • So, there’s an upper bound on number of concurrent threads per core
  • As you approach this bound, the system runs out of memory and/or switching costs dominate the actual useful on-cpu work

Virtual Threads are light

  • They have small memory footprint (IIRC, a few KB vs a few MB for Platform threads)
  • Switching is quite cheap (since it is done by the JVM not the OS)
  • So, the upper bound on number of concurrent threads is a LOT higher; perhaps 100-1000x higher

In some situations, Virtual Threads can support more load per core

  • Suppose that you have a workload where each request (runs in a single thread), waits on IO for 199 units and does 1 unit of work
  • In the steady state, assuming zero switching costs and perfect alignment, a core needs to queue 200 threads
    • Each of the 200 threads is blocked for 199 units, does 1 unit of work and repeats the cycle
  • Suppose the core can support a max of 100 Platform Threads and 10,000 Virtual Threads
  • To obtain a queue size of 200, you’ll need two cores running Platform Threads vs 1 core running Virtual Threads
  • In other words, you need fewer servers using Virtual Threads to support the same workload

If you have 10 testing boxes running integration tests, it’s plausible you can cut down on a couple using Virtual Threads because

  • Integration tests with databases could have similar characteristics as the example above
  • Each test waits on database and consumes relatively little CPU (though not as extreme as 1:199)
  • The test’s database consumes CPU but it reads from disk for queries/reads/writes
  • If you run database from memory (instead of disk), thereby IO no longer being bottleneck, memory could become the new bottleneck

Bottomline: Virtual Threads are worth a try for integration tests.


This is how the test looks.

// @ParallelTestMethodsConfig(platformThreads = 10)   // Option 1: Use 10 Platform Threads
// @ParallelTestMethodsConfig(platformThreads = -1)   // Option 2: Use unbounded Platform Threads
@ParallelTestMethodsConfig(useVirtualThreads = true)  // Option 3: Use Virtual Threads
public class MyDbTest {

  // Runs once per test class, ahead of any test case.
  // Spins up the database.
  // `dbTestCase` field is shared and used by all the test cases.
  public static final DbTestCase dbTestCase = DbTestCase.postgres_15_3();

  // Runs once per test case.
  // Different tests use different 'database' (as in `USE DATABASE D;` of MySql)
  // to avoid mutual interference.
  // Creates a new 'database' and creates tables in them, ready for the test
  // to use.
  public SchemaApplier schemaApplier = new SchemaApplier(dbTestCase);

  @Test public void test_1() {...}
  @Test public void test_2() {...}
  // ...
  @Test public void test_20() {...}

Note the following:

  • A new Runner, ParallelTestMethodsRunner
  • The test configuration ParallelTestMethodsConfig which supports two options
    • Run using Platform Threads (for CPU bound tests)
    • Run using Virtual Threads (for IO bound tests)

The Runner is fairly trivial to implement based on JUnit’s Parallel Computer.

 * Runs test methods in parallel; they all share the same static setup.
 * <p>It is VERY tricky to have parallel tests working because they will run into resource issues.
 * For example, you can quickly run out of database connections if you have 100 tests in parallel
 * and the db has a 100 connection limit. So, in that sense, more coordination is required to have
 * tests run in parallel.
 * <p>Running tests in parallel does have one great advantage: it cuts down iteration time. So, it
 * is a balance and caution should be exercised in choosing this method. Test sharding in Bazel is
 * also a viable alternative except that it uses extra CPU since it repeats the test setup for each
 * shard. So, if you are running on a local workstation, it is perhaps better to iterate using this
 * runner than using Bazel shards.
 * <p>Configuration must be specified via {@link ParallelTestMethodsConfig} annotation on the test
 * class.
public class ParallelTestMethodsRunner extends BlockJUnit4ClassRunner {

  public ParallelTestMethodsRunner(Class<?> testClass) throws InitializationError {
    ParallelTestMethodsConfig config =
            "%s requires a config annotation of type: %s",
    setScheduler(new Scheduler(config));

   * Configuration for {@link ParallelTestMethodsRunner},
  public @interface ParallelTestMethodsConfig {

     * The number of threads that methods will be parallelized into. A threadpool Executor will be
     * used to multiplex all the test methods. This value determines the size of the threadpool.
     * <p>A value less than 1 specifies an unbounded threadpool.
    int platformThreads() default 5;

     * Whether to use virtual threads. If set, a {@link Executors#newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor()}
     * will be used to run the test methods. {@link ParallelTestMethodsConfig#platformThreads()} is
     * not meaningful when this is true.
    boolean useVirtualThreads() default false;

  private static class Scheduler implements RunnerScheduler {

    private final ExecutorService service;

    Scheduler(ParallelTestMethodsConfig config) {
      service =
              ? Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor()
              : (config.platformThreads() < 1
                     ? Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
                     : Executors.newFixedThreadPool(config.platformThreads()));

    public void finished() {
      try {
        service.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public void schedule(Runnable runnable) {